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정현아 [ 건강의학과, 헬스케어센터 ]

헬스케어센터 진료, 소화기계질환

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외래진료 외래진료 특수클리닉 특수클리닉
진료일정 05
진료일정(날짜, 오전, 오후)


  • Chung,H.A.; Lee,S.Y.; Moon,H.W.; Kim,J.H.; Sung,I.K.; Park,H.S.; Shim,C.S.; Han,H.S.. Does the antibody production ability affect the serum anti-Helicobacter pylori IgG titer?.  World J.Gastrointest.Pathophysiol. 2016, 7, 3, 288-295. 
  • Chung,H.A.; Kim,J.H.; Hwang,Y.; Choi,H.S.; Ko,S.Y.; Choe,W.H.; Kwon,S.Y.. Noninvasive fibrosis marker can predict recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma after radiofrequency ablation.  Saudi J.Gastroenterol. 2016, 22, 1, 57-63. 
  • Yu,H.M.; Kwon,S.Y.; Kim,J.; Chung,H.A.; Kwon,S.W.; Jeong,T.G.; An,S.H.; Jeong,G.W.; Yun,S.U.; Min,J.K.; Kim,J.H.; Choe,W.H.. Virologic response and safety of tenofovir versus entecavir in treatment-naive chronic Hepatitis B patients.  Saudi J.Gastroenterol. 2015, 21, 3, 146-151, India. 
  • Chung,H.A.; Lee,S.Y.; Lee,H.J.; Kim,J.H.; Sung,I.K.; Shim,C.S.; Jin,C.J.; Park,H.S.. G Protein beta3 Subunit Polymorphism and Long-Term Prognosis of Functional Dyspepsia.  Gut Liver. 2014, 8, 3, 271-276, Korea (South).