HI & Logo
Please use it without any distortion or deformation in such a manner that the identity of
Konkuk University Medical Center (KUMC) can be accurately conveyed.
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Basic Form of the Identity
The two hearts are intertwined to form a cross, which symbolizes the love and service spirit of KUMC, as well as its integrated patient-oriented medical services.
The light blue color represents life, the light blue color represents stability, and the blue color represents expertise.
Exclusive Colors
In principle, the exclusive color for print uses spot color, but it can also be expressed in four primary colors depending on the characteristics of the applied media.
In expressing the colors, there may be a slight difference in color reproduction depending on the printing method, ink density, paper geology, etc.
However, the optimal state should be maintained. In the case of color application for signage, there may also be a slight difference in color depending on various methods
involving vinyl sheet, paint, silk screen, etc. For this reason, it should be in an optimal state on the illustrated spot colors. The web colors must adhere to the
specified color values; however, minor adjustments can be made if deemed necessary.
Main Color
Sub Color
The original data must be used in order to prevent misuse or damage of the image.