카카오 프린트


Executive Healthcare Program

Executive Healthcare Program (Gender, Age, Fee(KRW), Examination Items)
Gender Age Examination Items
Men Under 49

Comprehensive Healthcare Program +

Colonoscopy(Under Sedation), Thyroid Ultrasonography, Echocardiography, Prostate(Transrectal) Ultrasonography, Low Dose Chest CT, Arterial Stiffness Test, Gastric Cancer Predictive Marker(Pepsinogen), Helicobacter Pylori Antibody, Alcohol Abuse Marker(CDT), Inflammatory Marker(C-reactive Protein), Allergy Screening Test(Phadiatop), Blood Coagulation Profile, Vitamin D, Bone Densitometry
Over 50

Comprehensive Healthcare Program +

Colonoscopy(Under Sedation), Thyroid Ultrasonography, Echocardiography, Prostate(Transrectal) Ultrasonography, Low Dose Chest CT, Arterial Stiffness Test, Gastric Cancer Predictive Marker(Pepsinogen), Helicobacter Pylori Antibody, Alcohol Abuse Marker(CDT), Inflammatory Marker(C-reactive Protein), Allergy Screening Test(Phadiatop), Blood Coagulation Profile, Vitamin D, Bone Densitometry, Coronary CT
Women Under 49

Comprehensive Healthcare Program +

Colonoscopy(Under Sedation), Thyroid Ultrasonography, Breast Ultrasonography, Pelvic Ultrasonography, Mammography(Over the age of 35), HPV Test(Human Papillomavirus Test), Echocardiography, Arterial Stiffness Test, Gastric Cancer Predictive Marker(Pepsinogen), Helicobacter Pylori Antibody, Alcohol Abuse Marker(CDT), Inflammatory Marker(C-reactive), Allergy Screening Test(Phadiatop), Blood Coagulation Profile, Vitamin D, Bone Densitometry
Over 50

Comprehensive Healthcare Program +

Colonoscopy(Under Sedation), Thyroid Ultrasonography, Breast Ultrasonography, Pelvic Ultrasonography, Mammography(Over the age of 35), HPV Test(Human Papillomavirus Test), Echocardiography, Arterial Stiffness Test, Gastric Cancer Predictive Marker(Pepsinogen), Helicobacter Pylori Antibody, Alcohol Abuse Marker(CDT), Inflammatory Marker(C-reactive), Allergy Screening Test(Phadiatop), Blood Coagulation Profile, Vitamin D, Bone Densitometry, Coronary CT